The program was implemented in the C++ language. The source code of the program is available at The calculation method is described in detail in O. Coufal and O. Živný: Composition and thermodynamic properties of thermal plasma with condensed phases. Eur. Phys. J. D, Vol. 61(2011), pp 131-151. DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-10211-3
Tmdhet program (in the C++ language) for calculating the composition and thermodynamic properties of a closed heterogeneous system in thermodynamic equilibrium at constant pressure and temperature.
On the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium, which is appropriate in various applications involving thermal plasmas, there is need for equilibrium composition and thermodynamic properties of the mixture that forms a closed heterogeneous system. It is assumed that the gaseous phase (thermal plasma) is always present in the system; substances in condensed state, in one or divided into several condensed phases, may also be present. The calculation of equilibrium composition is based on the method of minimizing the Gibbs energy of a system. It should be added that equilibrium composition is the starting point not only thermodynamic properties but also the transport properties (thermal and electrical conductivity, viscosity, diffusion coefficients, etc.).
Details describing the method and algorithm are available in Coufal O. and Živný O.: Composition and thermodynamic properties of thermal plasma with condensed phases. Eur. Phys. J. D, Vol. 61 (2011), Issue 1, 131-151.
This paper contains the results of research work funded until the end of 2008 from project No 102/06/1337 of the Czech Science Foundation, and later from Research plan No MSM0021630516 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech Republic.