Cooperation with us

Many industrial partners, research facilities, including foreign partners, cooperate with our institute. Choose the best path to us yourself.
Study area
Find out moreScience and research
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Study area
Topics of student projects
We welcome topics for diploma or bachelor theses from your company. You will also have the opportunity to select suitable candidates for job positions in your company. Contact doc. Ing. Petr Mastný, Ph.D., who will discuss all the details with you.
Lectures and seminars
Lectures and seminars by experts from practice are always welcome with us. Students will gain new information and insight into the presented issues. Contact Ing. Lukáš Radil, Ph.D., with whom you can plan the topic, date and overall form of the event.
Education process support
Our graduates continuously demonstrate very good knowledge in the field of power engineering. Of course, this cannot be done without a quality educational process and teaching in laboratories. Lectures in selected professional subjects or support in the acquisition of unique equipment and technologies for laboratories is another possible area of cooperation. We will be happy if you could contact us to come up with a suitable form of cooperation. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact the head of the department, doc. Ing. Petr Toman, Ph.D.

Science and research
Contract research
We have many years of experience in solving smaller or bigger contracts for many of our industrial partners. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact the head of the department, doc. Ing. Petr Toman, Ph.D., or the individual heads of our research laboratories.
Joint grant projects
In the field of applied research, we are partners of a number of industrial companies in solving various grant projects at the national and international level. Head of the department doc. Ing. Petr Toman, Ph.D., will give you details on possible cooperation in this area.