The test cell is made for testing electrical parameters of pure gases and gas mixtures. The cell is designed for full-scale testing of gas insulations for equipment up to a nominal level of 35 kV, i.e. BIL – LI up to 170 kV and AC up to 70 kV. The cell is also suitable for measuring self-discharge activity (PD measurement) up to applied voltage values higher than the nominal voltage of 35 kV (PD level <10 pC at 40 kV). The test cell is made of materials resistant to gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, SF6 and fluorocarbons as alternatives to SF6 including products that are formed during discharge activity. The cell is equipped with a movable electrode to change the geometry of the internal spark gap and the flashover distance. Samples of solid dielectrics can be inserted into the chamber to test the discharge activity at their surfaces. The inserted samples can be manipulated in all three axes. The discharge activity can be analyzed using cameras, the high-speed camera of spectrum analyzers through two windows. The working gas pressure can be from vacuum to 0.3 MPa abs.

- Detailed description (in Czech)
The functional sample has been developed with a financial support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the research project No. TK04020069.