SW monitor of the distribution system condition

Result type

SW distribution condition monitor is an application that performs off-line analysis of measurement data from selected analyzers, the output of which is a configurable and parameterizable indicator VQI (Voltage Quality Index), which in terms of ongoing phenomena and events, through the included measurement sites and characterizes over time overall condition of the analyzed power supply network. The outputs make it possible to quantify the state of the given system, to monitor the trend of the state of development, and to identify a possible place, degree or risk of disturbance of voltage quality or operation in the monitored system. Validation of SW implementation was performed by direct comparison with outputs from independent numerical analyzes. The functionality of the SW was verified using input data files of a defined format. The SW has basic documentation and a technical manual documenting the implemented algorithms from the point of view of the essence, logic and mechanism of evaluating the severity of individual indicators and from the point of view of construction, parameterization and properties of aggregation rules.

It is the result of the project ID TN01000007 (National Centre for Energy) partially funded by the Technological agency of the Czech Republic.

distribution system condition
distribution system condition indices
voltage quality index
system condition index
fuzzy logic
aggregation SW