Program for the transport properties calculation - electrical and thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficients and viscosity proceed from the kinetic theory of gases. The used method of calculation is based on the Chapman-Enskog method. The thermodynamic or local thermodynamic equilibrium is supposed in the calculations. The assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium agrees with thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure and higher pressures. The collision integrals of each pair of colliding components are integral part of the calculation method and the methods used for their calculation: method of rigid sphere model, the Lannard-Jones potential, polarisability method and for some selected pairs of component were applied published data of momentum transfer cross section.
Technical parameters:
Program can calculate transport properties of these plasma systems: argon, air, nitrogen, mixture of argon and nitrogen and SF6 in the wide range of pressures and temperatures. The detailed description of calculation method is available here.
The database contains the results of research work funded by Project 102/06/1337 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the results of the Research plan no MSM0021630516 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Czech Republic.