Methodology for verifying and demonstrating compliance of power generating plants with requirements

Result type
metodika schválená

The aim is to identify application options, analyse and formulate in the form of a methodology and processes for demonstrating and maintaining compliance of power generating plants with certificate-based connection requirements. The definition of conditionalities, links, substitutability and validity of the certificates is an integral part of the methodology. The essence of the proposed new methodology is to establish/extend a framework for routine, reliable, correct and methodologically consistent monitoring of compliance of generating plants connected primarily to the HV and LV distribution grids in the Czech Republic. Although the methodology is primarily aimed at applying to generating plants in the HV and LV distribution grids, its concept is general in nature and its conceptualisation is generic to cover the processes and circumstances for connection to both the distribution and transmission grids in the Czech Republic. This methodology has been developed with the financial support of TA CR. 


It is the result of the project ID TK04010060 "Implementation of certification processes to ensure the integration of dispersed generation sources in accordance with the requirements of the EU Regulation", Théta Programme, Subprogramme 1 - Research in the public interest.

RfG, výrobní moduly, sledování souladu, PPDS Příloha 4, autorizovaný certifikátor