This laboratory current source is primary designed to supply LEDs by accurate current value. It can be used in all laboratory applications, where the stable and unchanging current in time is needed. So its use is univesal. Specifically, the normal brightness and other devices in the lighting laboratory with the requirements of high accurancy and stability of power supply current can be supplied by this source. Its uniqueness consists mainly in obtained parameters, which are comparable to the competing products in our market, but whose acquisition costs are several times higher. Another uniqueness consists in its universality and versalitily of use for the most applications based on the LED technologies for short and long term measurements or as laboratory supply for the brightness normals in the lighting laboratory.
- Regulated output current from 2 mA to 1 A.
- Sufficient voltage at the output, suiteble form powering several serially arranged LED modules (max. 25 V).
- Low voltage drop across the current source (1.5 to 1.8 V).
- The range of possible supply voltage form 5 to 25 V, for a large current range (?350 mA) 12 V max.
- High time stability of output current.
- Set the output current accurancy of at lest 0.2%.
- Protection against reverse polarity, or mishandling.
- Independence of the two ranges.
- The maximum ripple output current to 0.1%.
- Direct adjustment of the current nominal most powerful LED modules in our market.

Functional sample was created in Center for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources. Author gratefully acknowledge financial support from European Regional Development Fund under project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014.