Functional sample in the form of the laboratory measuring set is used for evaluation of basic primary and secondary variables of photovoltaic modules with small dimensions. The evaluation can be done by measuring applications developed in LabView. The measuring set for analysis of low power photovoltaic modules consists of three measuring panels and universal halogen lights and measuring applications. The measuring set allows the modification of input atmospheric conditions (temperature, intensity of light radiation) during the analysis of photovoltaic module. Small photovoltaic modules are used in combination with batteries as an autonomous source of electric energy and output power of this system can be only a few watts. Using functional sample may contribute to the optimization of the operation of these autonomous sources that use the photovoltaic modules.

Functional sample was created in Center for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources. Author gratefully acknowledge financial support from European Regional Development Fund under project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014.