The functional sample represents a model of a part of 22 kV distribution mixed network. The model is designed for testing of methods for ground fault location especially in compensated system as well as for verification of methods for elimination of the faulty current level at point of ground fault ignition. Research in this area with using of the model can practically verify new theoretical ideas without requirement of experimental measuring in a real distribution network because there real risks exist. The model is composed from main (feeding) substation 110/22 kV and modules. The substation includes suppression coil, automatics for connecting of additional resistor and for grounding of selected phase during ground fault in preset time. The functional sample also contains modules of part of overhead and cable lines, and also power load modules. With using of these modules is possible to create distribution systems with different capacitive or residual current.

Functional sample was created in Center for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources. Author gratefully acknowledge financial support from European Regional Development Fund under project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014.