Database for the transport properties calculation of arc plasma is the integral part of the program for the transport properties calculation - electrical and thermal conductivity, viscosity and diffusion coefficients. Database includes parameters and properties important for the transport properties calculation -diameters of particles, parameters of Lennard-Jones potential, polarisabilities of neutral components. The result values of transport properties are depended on the way of the calculation of the collision integrals of a pair of colliding components and for some pairs of component are used published experimental values of momentum transfer cross section. Published values were approximated by function and coefficients of approximation functions are integral part of database. The important part of the transport properties calculation is the knowledge of the plasma composition and therefore the database consist the part of database TheCoufal (Coufal O., Sezemský P., Živný O.: Database system of thermodynamic properties of individual substances at high temperatures. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 (2005), 1265-1274.).
Technical parameters:
Database involves components for the calculation of these plasma systems: argon, air, nitrogen, mixture of argon and nitrogen and SF6 in the wide range of pressures and temperatures. Input data for the calculation of the transport properties are in the input files and its structure is given by the computing program.
The database contains the results of research work funded by Project 102/06/1337 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the results of research works funded from project No. MSM0021630516 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.