Accredited Testing Facility for Compliance Verification

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The accredited testing facility for verifying the compliance of inverters was created in cooperation between the Engineering Testing Institute and the Brno University of Technology and was established in April 2024 as the first facility of its kind in the Czech Republic.

Current scope of accreditation​:

Tests to verify the requirements that apply to​

  • non-synchronous production modules of category A1 (limit power up to 11 kW),​
  • non-synchronous production modules of category A2 (limit power 100 kW).

and are relevant to components:​

  • photovoltaic network inverters,​
  • hybrid converters in production mode,​
  • converters of battery storage systems ​in production mode,​
  • 1-ph, 2-ph or 3-ph devices,​
  • with connection to the low voltage network.

Current power limit of the tested device: 100 kW/ 100 kVA

Contact information for ordering tests:

Strojírenský zkušební ústav, s.p.
Akreditovaná zkušební laboratoř č. 1045.1 – pracoviště Brno
Ing. Antonín Heitl,

Link to SZÚ website here

Presentation of ATF

Main activities

  • accredited tests to verify compliance with PPDS requirements for inverters for production modules of category A1/A2.
  • an extension to the verification of inverters for categories B1/B2 is being prepared, including other components (network protection, control units, etc.)

Laboratory equipment

  • ZES Zimmer LMG 500 and LMG 671 precision multi-channel analyzers
  • Yokogawa DL850 High Speed Signal Recorder
  • Top-CON AC simulators from the Swiss manufacturer Regatron TC.ACS (Fully four-quadrant control, voltage range 0-305 Vrms, current range: 3x 0-144 Arms, response speed 100 µs enabling LVRT and HVRT tests, but also Hardware-in-Loop simulation , tests of anti-islanding functions)
  • Regenerative DC simulators Regatron G5.UNV with voltage range 0 – 1000V, ±54 A (possibility of wide parameterization of IV-curves for proper MPPT function, battery storage emulation)
  • Reference network impedance (Voltage range up to 350 V (L-N) and 16 A .3 x (0.24+j0.15) Ω and 1x(0.16+j0.10) Ω )


Responsible person