doc. RNDr. Oldřich Coufal, CSc.
Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Brno University of Technology
Technicka 3082/12
616 00 Brno
Czech Republic
E-mail: coufal@vut.cz
Position: senior researcher
Personal: born at Ivanovice na Hane in 1942, widower, 2 grown-up
children |

The result of fifty-eight years of scientific work can be seen at first glance.
1966 graduated from the Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyne
University in Brno, specializating in mathematics
1969 doctoral degree (RNDr.) in the field of algebra and theory of
numbers at the Faculty of Science, J. E. Purkyne University in Brno
1977 CSc. degree in theoretical electrical engineering at the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology
1982 scientific qualification degree IIa, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1989 scientific qualification degree I, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
1992 Assoc. Prof. for theoretical electrical engineering at the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology
Study stay:
09/1969-12/1969 Leningrad State University (USSR), Mathematics & Mechanics
Faculty, Department of Mathematical Analysis
Research interests:
From 1970 to 1986
- Computation of magnetic fields and optimization of superconducting saddle
coils of MHD generator magnet, the results were published in
Coufal, O.: Magnetic field and optimization of superconducting saddle coils of
the magnet of MHD generator.
Studie CSAV, Nr. 22, 1986, 127 pp, Academia Publishing House, Praha.
Since 1976 up to present time
- Calculation of current density in a group of long solid parallel conductors.
- Calculation of transient and steady currents in an RLC circuit.
- Computation methods of the composition and thermodynamic
properties of systems at temperatures of up to 50 kK and pressures up
to 10 MPa.
Publications since 2001:
- Coufal, O.: Transient and steady currents in a parallel RL circuit.
Electr. Power Syst. Res. 242 (2025), Article ID 111420 (11pp),
- Gortschakow, S., Uhrlandt, D., Kloc, P., Aubrecht, V., Coufal, O.,
De Holanda Sousa, R., Robin-Jouan, P.:
Study of switching behaviour of g3 based gas mixtures.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58 (2025), Article ID 155205 (17pp),
- Coufal, O.: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Skin Effect.
Appl. Sci.-Basel 2023, 13(22), 12416,
- Coufal, O.: Transient and Steady Current in a Series RL Circuit.
IEEE Access 10 (2022), 87745--87753,
- Coufal, O.: Transient Current Density in a Pair of Long Parallel Conductors.
In: Henninger, H., Suzdaltsev, A. (Editors) Prime Archives in Applied Sciences
Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf.
- Coufal, O.: Study on Resistance and Inductance of Solid Conductors.
In: Mahul, N. (Editor) Technological Innovation in Engineering Research Vol. 2
(2022), 71--96.
Book Publisher International, Hooghly, India,
- Coufal, O.: Thermodynamic properties for Ar-Al, Ar-Cu and Ar-Fe mixtures from
0.3 kK up to 4 kK for 1 atm.
Phys. Scr. 96 (2021), 12, Article ID 125630 (12pp),
- Coufal, O.: Eddy Currents in a Group of Long Solid Parallel Conductors.
In: Reimer, A. (Editor) Horizons in World Physics 305 (2021),
Nova Science Publisher, New York, https://doi.org/10.52305/ZDXX7102
- Coufal, O.: Transient Current Density in a Pair of Long Parallel Conductors.
Appl. Sci.-Basel 11 (2021), 15, 6920,
- Coufal, O., Pavlišová, G., Toman, P.: Historie elektroenergetiky na VUT v Brně.
Energetika 70 (2020), 3, 146-151.
- Coufal, O., Radil, L.: Self-induction in two long parallel conductors
connected to sinusoidal voltage source.
Phys. Scr. 95 (2020), Article ID 065503 (9pp),
- Bartlova, M., Coufal, O., Veklich, A. N., Pokorny, J.:
Equilibrium composition of thermal plasma with copper and chromium vapours admixtures.
Plasma Physics and Technology 6 (2019), 3, 251-255,
- Coufal, O.: Current density in a group of long parallel conductors.
Phys. Scr. 94 (2019), Article ID 125504 (11pp),
- Coufal, O., Batora, B., Radil, L., Toman, P.: Simple calculation of eddy
currents in a long passive conductor.
Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 61 (2019), 2, 201-224,
- Coufal, O., Radil, L., Toman, P.: Magnetic field and forces in a pair
of parallel conductors.
Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 56 (2018), 243-261,
- Coufal, O., Toman, P.: Condensed species in products of reaction of
SF6 with Cu up to 4000 K.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018), Article ID 025202 (16 pp),
- Coufal, O.: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction in two parallel
Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 54 (2017), 2, 263-280,
- Coufal, O.: Current density in two parallel cylindrical conductors
and their inductance.
Electr. Eng. 99 (2017), 2, 519-523,
- Kloc, P., Aubrecht, V., Bartlova, M., Coufal, O., Rümpler, Ch.:
On the Selection of Integration Intervals for the Calculation of Mean
Absorption Coefficients.
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 35 (2015), 1097-1110,
- Adineh, V. R., Coufal, O., Bartlova, M.:
Calculation of net emission coefficient of electrical discharge machining
arc plasmas in mixtures
of nitrogen with graphite, copper and tungsten.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015), Article ID 405202 (13 pp),
- Kloc, P., Aubrecht, V., Bartlova, M., Coufal, O.:
Radiation transfer in air and air-Cu plasmas for two temperature profiles.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015), Article ID 055208 (13 pp),
- Coufal, O.: Sto let od narozaní prof. Ing. Z. Pavlíčka, DrSc.
Energetika 64 (2014), 12, 666-667.
- Coufal, O.: Thermodynamic properties of reaction mixture of air
and copper up to 4000 K for 0.05 to 2 MPa.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (June 2014), Article ID 255202
- Coufal, O.: Current density in two solid parallel conductors
and their impedance.
Electr. Eng. 96 (2014), 287-297,
- Coufal, O.: On resistance and inductance of solid conductors.
Journal of Engineering Vol. 2013, Article ID 526072 (14 pp),
- Coufal, O.: A method for the accurate and smooth approximation of standard
thermodynamic functions.
Computer Physics Communications, 184 (2013), 194-200,
New version program summary. 184 (2013), 1810-1811,
- Adineh, V. R., Coufal, O., Zivny, O.:
Thermodynamic and radiative properties of plasma excited in EDM process
through N2 taking into account Fe.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40 (2012), 2723-2735,
- Coufal, O.: On inductance and resistance of solitary long solid conductor.
Acta Technica 57 (2012), 75-89.
- Coufal, O.: Comments on skin effect in solitary solid tubular
Adv. Math. Phys. Vol. 2011, Article ID 983678
(13 pp),
- Coufal, O., Zivny, O.: Composition and thermodynamic properties of
thermal plasma with condensed phases.
Eur. Phys. J. D 61 (2011), 1, 131-151,
- Aubrecht, V., Bartlova, M., Coufal, O.: Radiative emission from air
thermal plasmas with vapour of Cu or W.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010), Article ID 434007 (11pp),
- Coufal, O.: Current density in a long solitary tubular conductor.
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008), Article ID 145401(14pp),
- Coufal, O.: Current density in a pair of solid coaxial conductors.
Electromagnetics 27 (2007), 5, 299-320,
- Coufal, O.: Composition and thermodynamic properties of thermal plasma
up to 50 kK.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007), 3371-3385,
- Coufal, O., Zivny, O.: Interval of occurrence of a component in thermal
Czech. J. Phys. 56 (2006), B1401-B1406,
- Coufal, O., Sezemsky, P., Zivny, O.:
Database system of thermodynamic
properties of individual substances at high temperatures.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 (2005), 1265-1274,
- Coufal, O., Bartlova, M.:
Influence of concentration on the values of
recombination and ionization rate coefficients of atoms S and F.
Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2004), C665-C670.
- Bartlova, M., Coufal, O.:
Comparison of some models of reaction kinetics
in HV circuit breakers with SF6 after current zero.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 (2002), 3065-3076,
- Coufal, O., Sezemsky, P.:
On the formal correctness of the reaction kinetics model and its solution
in HV circuit breakers after current zero.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34 (2001), 2174-2184,
Updated on: March 6, 2025